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About This Site

Firstly, note that this site was built in 2006, and has for the most part not changed since then.

Also, note that this is a fansite, not a KEXP site.

KEXPlorer.com is a site that helps enhance the listening experience of KEXP 90.3 FM. It helps you get more familiar with the great music you hear on KEXP. In some ways, it puts a face on otherwise anonymous artists/albums/songs. I've found that regularly seeing the album covers of the music KEXP plays has increased my in-store purchases at Sonic Boom Records. When I go in there now, I'm already familiar with most of the new albums on display, and can go directly to the stuff I know I like.

Discover New Music

Tired of searching for new music? Sit back, relax, listen to KEXP and let the KEXP DJs spoon feed you.
If you hear something you like, QuickTag it. If you crave some new music, check the charts to see what's hot on KEXP.

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Invite your friends to listen along. KEXPlorer.com makes it easy to share your latest finds with your friends.

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Please use the feedback form if you'd like to contact me. Thanks
